Drivel that cannot fit in a single panel comic.

Monday, March 01, 2004

The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King won 11 Oscars.

Woo Hoo! I've now have seen a best picture award winner in the theater.

Sure there were several endings, but the books had several endings.

A nice hearty fuck you to the stupid teenage cunt who talked through most of the movie. The bitch complained about the several endings as she was leaving. I asked her how the hell she would know about the endings since she talked throughout the movie. Yes, I had to give the clueless fuck the hairy eyeball several times but apparently the girl had some special needs, learning issues or something because the behavior would stop temporarily. This girl believed that if one stops an annoying behavior for 5 minutes the behavior becomes non-annoying when it is resumed. Even the stupid brat's companions told her to shut up. The tard just could not keep its mouth shut for any length of time.

It was a good movie and I enjoyed it despite the tard's best efforts. Hooray for surround sound.

Parenting lesson: Leave the tard at home. Everyone will be much happier.


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