Drivel that cannot fit in a single panel comic.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

1,000th post

A great article by Rev. Sean: 10 things we can learn from Mormanism

This kind of article is what I enjoy about the UU blogosphere and keeps me interested in perspectives of other UUs - minister and laity.

In regards to Rev. Sean's article - I think my church could learn some of the same things from Evangelicals and Baptists. Yes, Baptists and Evangelicals are looked upon as separate entities in this region. Everyone makes fun of the Baptists, even other Evangelical faiths. I know this as a former Evangelical Christian. We made fun of them because they did not dance. The services I used to attend included dancing. Sometimes, I miss that element of worship. I've been clapping during appropriate hymns hoping others would follow suit. I need to clap louder. Sometimes, I feel awkward being the only set of hands clapping. Others do eventually start clapping but by the time everyone finds the beat the hymn is over. At Evangelical churches I've attended, the words to the songs are projected on to a screen or wall, thus freeing the hands for clapping and the body for moving.

Rev. Sean's article has spurred me to think about the gifts that my religious past has given me. There could be a sermon or service there or maybe just a blog entry.

1 comment:

ABT said...

Thanks for the link and Congratulations on your 1000th post! Wow!

Rev. Sean