Soylent Café Vanilla review
Decided to try some Soylent. It has led to a few jokes from friends, most of whom are Baby Boomer or Gen-X. Actually, it has led to variations on a single joke. It's people. I haven't actually seen the movie but I have seen the various jokes.
Here's a couple of links about the movie:
Soylent Green is a 1973 American dystopian thriller film directed by Richard Fleischer and starring Charlton Heston and Leigh Taylor-Young. Edward G. Robinson appears in his final film.
In case you don't feel like watching the video or listening to my rambling, I didn't care for the this flavor. Vanilla or its extract isn't listed as an ingredient. Tasted too much of the coffee. I like the caffeine in coffee but not the taste. I end up negating the benefits of coffee by adding things to hide the taste.
I think it is a pretty good value compared to a 16 ounce Starbucks coffee drink. More nutritious.
I think it is a bold move to take a product to market with a name that has some negative connotations for a large section of the US population.
I checked Soylent's Twitter and website and no mention of the movie. I feel sorry for the social media people that probably have to go through and remove all the thousands "It's people!" jokes.
I think Soylent should take it a step further and make green drink, powder or bar. Maybe in 2023.
The label says "Produced with genetic engineering" So, if it is people at least it's better people.