I subscribe to eHealthy News from Mercola.com. It's about natural healing, food, and homoeopathy. Dr. Mercola is into technology so he posts good technology articles. Most of the information is useful and verifiable but a fair amount treads into "loony" territory. I agree that the U.S. healthcare system needs major remodeling, Americans should eat less processed food and exercise more but the site loses credibility when statements like the following appear:
Are you among the millions of people everyday exchanging your health for the convenience of microwave ovens? Before you use your microwave one more time, you might want to consider some facts.
The Nazis are credited with inventing the first microwaves. Known first as radiomissors, they were used for preparation of meals on a mass scale during the invasion of Russia -- thus eliminating the logistical problem of cooking fuels. After the war, the Russians had retrieved some of these microwave ovens and conducted thorough research on their biological effects. So alarmed by what they learned, the Russians banned microwave ovens in 1976.
(The whole page: http://www.mercola.com/forms/turbo_oven.htm)
Okay, Dr. Mercola needs to sell products in order to keep his website up. I have no problem with that but this whole invoking the Nazis just to sell an appliance is ridiculous. The Nazis were evil - the Nazis used microwaves - only a Nazi would use a microwave. Even the godless, commie Russians banned microwaves. You're smarter than them aren't you? So why are you still using a microwave oven?
Dr. Mercola writes against the advertising tactics used by big pharmaceutical corporations but appears to have no problem with using similar tactics to sell products. The proceeds of the sales are used to advance his vision for a new health care paradigm. Sleazy advertising tactics to advance a noble cause does not make the tactics less sleazy nor really do much for the cause.
Actually, the pharmaceutical companies use more subtle tactics.
I'm not a fan of the pharmaceutical companies. I just want less bullshit in my life.
Bullshit is a natural product, perhaps it is appropriate for some to appear on a natural health site. I'm sure the bullshit that appears on Mercola.com comes from free-range, non-genetically modified, non-hormone treated, organic, grass fed bulls.
Still stinks.