Drivel that cannot fit in a single panel comic.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

I walked 6,709 steps.

Last night Walter unearthed an eraser from the couch. It was a Pink Pearl that I had been using for 5 years. I lost it a few months ago and began using another one.

Here is a picture:

The top one is a brand new eraser, the second one is the eraser that I've been using the past few months and the bottom one is the eraser that I had been using for 5 years. Dime included for scale. The indentation in the middle of the old eraser is from my thumbnail scraping the surface while I was erasing.

The bottom eraser is officially retired.

If you squint really hard and truly believe you can see an image of Jesus in the eraser. That is what the description on eBay will say.

Whoa! The other side of the eraser looks like something! I think my prayers have been answered.

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