Drivel that cannot fit in a single panel comic.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

I walked 3,212 steps.

I had a strange experience this morning. Last night, I took some cough syrup and a sleep aid. This morning I was very groggy. Walter made breakfast and I ate. After he left for work I tried to read some e-mail and funnies but I was still groggy so I decided to go back to bed. It was 9:30. Sometime later I felt the bed shake as if someone was trying to climb in. I also heard the sound that a pair of Walter's warm up pants make when he is either putting them on or off. These pants are made of a sort of slick nylon material. He rarely wears them. I thought Walter had come back from work and was going back to bed. I forced my eyes open and did not see anyone else in the room. I turned over and went back to sleep. I did hear other noises but I was able to identify that as Salvador tapping on a box in the living room.

Walter has reported experiencing the same thing on several occasions after I have left for work and he has slept in. The bed shaking part not the noises.


Goofy spam names:
Abe D. Xiong (subject line: Behind the chair on)
Cherub R. Reviewer
Alexandria K. Peacock
Cross A. Geniuses

If there are any ghosts, poltergiests or spirits in the house I would be grateful if they would do something useful besides shake the bed. Washing a few dishes would be nice. Maybe vacuum the rug. Dusting the furniture and shelves would be great. Spirits would be good at that because they could get to those hard to reach places because of their noncorporeal form.

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