Drivel that cannot fit in a single panel comic.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Harley is at work with me today. He is very well behaved and the ladies are petting him. He is sitting next to my chair looking at me with his big brown eyes. i can't resist petting him, so I'm typing with one hand and using the mouse with my left hand. That sort of thing helps build new neural pathways and keeps the brain from rotting through disuse.

Today is a half day. Then a nice four day weekend for Spring Break. The campus is quiet and the road crews are trying to cram a lot of work this week while there is less traffic.

The weather is beautiful today. Last night was quite a light show. The lightning was striking so often that the sky looked like a strobe light. The weatherman mentioned our street was in the most intense part of the storm.

Everyone and everything held up.

Whoever said that pets in the workplace increases productivity, did not do those studies with my dogs. I am more relaxed and forced to take more short breaks to take care of Harley's needs, maybe that is what increases productivity and reduces stress.

Listening to Radioio BEAT

Those of you who are using my clip art on message boards and on your blogs, how about dropping a buck into my PayPal account? You can find it on my home page and on the clip art home page. Thanks.


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