Drivel that cannot fit in a single panel comic.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Walter has been cleaning out stuff and selling things on

My senior prom picture was found. The glass in the frame is broken so I need to take the picture out. It screams 1980's (the picture was taken in 1987). I had big hair. Big 80's hair. I'm thinking about scanning it to post and have fun with. I would protect the innocent bystander (a friend) by pixelating his face. Actually pixelation would be an improvement. He had a really, really great personality. I wonder what he is doing now?

Right now, Salvador is nesting in my hair. My not so big hair.

Somebody in the room has let loose a fart (SBD) and is refusing to claim responsibility. I didn't do it and Walter says he did not do it (We are mature adults that take responsibility for our smells) and it does not smell like a typical dog fart and I don't think cockatiels fart.

Listening to Salvador whistle a toon. Now the little bird has become protective of my mouse. I can't use it without having little bits of flesh ripped off. The mouse reminds him of an egg that he has to protect.

00000 (That was Salvador walking on the keyboard)1 Now I can use the mouse again.

My life is uninteresting but that is a blessing in terms of the famous Chinese curse.