Drivel that cannot fit in a single panel comic.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Pool Party!

Drew's thought balloon in the second panel makes all the suffering reading this comic worthwhile. Drew, now you know why ol' Dad used the old "want to do something fun?" question.

I work at an University. I work with lots of people with the title, Professor. None of them would want to be addressed as 'Professor' on or off campus. Only a grade A tool or Sherwood Schwartz sitcom character would allow it.

Mary Worth time: 24 hours of Mary Worth time = 84 hours of non-comic strip time. Which means this pool party will last at least a week.


Anonymous said...

Hello! I found your blog from the 70s Sears catalog link (one of the funniest things ever :)) and wanted to say hello. I am also childfree and a doggie mom. I also was a recovering Mary Worth reader (I had to stop cold turkey when I moved out of my mom's house and no longer got the newspaper) but now I'm back. The monkey is on my back again and it's like I never left. All is good again :)


Anonymous said...

As a professor myself, I can TOTALLY agree with you. My Dean called today and insisted on calling me by that title. Ugh! Funny how we feel that way now -- just a couple of generations ago we would have INSISTED that y'all call us Prof!

Anonymous said...

Interesting point about titles. I have a doctorate and teach K-12 (but teach at the college level during the summers, where I am technically a professor). I do have the students call me "Dr.", but I never use it elsewhere. I seem to remember hearing that you should only use "Dr" socially if you are an MD, which I most certainly am not!