Drivel that cannot fit in a single panel comic.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I walked 9,009 steps/ 6.75 kilometers.

Retarded people are so amusing. I don't mean retarded in the Special Olympic/ short bus sense but more as a chosen mental state. The retarded people I'm talking about have the mental equivalent of a Ferrari but only run it at 25 MPH. I can't think of another term to describe it.

Anyway, there is a retarded person amusing several newsgroups right now. I normally don't respond to cross-posting retards but this one was too irresistible. I removed the cross-posts. Knowing that chronically stupid people exist to amuse helps me deal with their ever increasing presence. I am a bit frightened that they seem to have gain a bit of power in the United States.

Maybe I'm just extra bitchy right now because of hormones. No, I'm going to take responsibility for my bitchiness and say that I taunted the net tard for sport. This one is too much fun to be a mere troll.

I rescheduled my phone appointment for Friday and got my car fixed.

Goofy spam names:
Ruin F. Staci
Fakers I. Slumbered

Zen Koan subject lines:
exclaimed ruefully: "No he's
notice the change yet bathe
convalescent mild

Michael O'Shaughnessy

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