Drivel that cannot fit in a single panel comic.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A young working woman like you needs to keep her strength up!

Vera works as a clerk typist. As a member of the administrative profession, I can assure you that the job is not that strenuous. Not something one has to carb load for. It has its stressful moments but the nutritional requirements do not equal those of an athlete, construction worker or any other physically demanding profession. I can skip a meal and still perform my professional duties.

I find Mary's expression in the second panel creepy. The more I look at it the more she sort of reminds me of a lady who attends my church. Just the looks not the biddiness.

Nearly three weeks now and no one knows what Vera did to anger her brother Von. Come on, Karen Moy, you've bored me to near death, now wrap this thing up! I did not read your damn comic for 4 days and missed nothing. A pen and ink drawing of paint drying would be more interesting at this point.


Stephanie said...

Mary Worth is always such a hoot! But not intentionally so, I fear.

Toonhead said...

Mary Worth is amusing for all the wrong reasons. That's why I subject myself. If you like real good comic strip snark visit the Comics Curmudgeon at